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One of the most popular items to purchase online for a quinceanera, is quinceanera invitations! We recently had the opportunity to review Zazzle quinceanera invitations. You can design your perfect quinceanera invitations from home and have them delivered to your doorstep within a couple weeks (or less). It is very convenient to order your invites online, and you may even save money.
If you are looking for quality invitations that are extremely customizable, simple to create and affordable, read on to learn more about Zazzle quinceanera invitations~
What we really liked about Zazzle quinceanera invitations
1. Very customizable, with a wide variety of sizes and designs. A search on Zazzle.com for “quinceanera invitations” turns up more than 29k results. On top of the huge selection, once you settle on a design, you can completely customize these invitations to suit your needs. The level of customization that these invitations allow is really amazing.

Every option may not be available for every invitation, but each invitation has many options and ways to personalize. You can even add one or more images. Something to note: some of the invitation options may cost slightly extra, such as upgraded paper or an upgraded edge.
2. Great prices (and frequent discounts/coupon codes!). The prices are really good, and if you have a coupon or promotional code–even better! Whatever your budget is, you will be able to find quality invitations. The samples that Zazzle sent me ranged from $1.64 per invitation to $3.11 per invitation (and we did use a coupon code from their website).
Another great benefit is that you can order an odd amount of invitations–25, 46, 77–you get the idea. We have ordered invitations before, that are only sold in increments of 25. You can be precise with your invitation quantity with Zazzle. ** Tip: make sure to order a couple extras for your scrapbook or in the case you end up requiring an extra. You can also order more invitations if needed, through your order history in your Zazzle account.
3. Enough room for quinceanera wording. Quinceanera invitations can require a lot of room for the text. Some typical elements found on quinceanera invitations include: location of the church, information for the reception, names of damas and chambelanes, and names of your padrinos de honor and maybe all sponsors/padrinos. We were able to fit a lot of information onto several of the samples. Here are a few examples:

We thought the invitation above was very elegant and had plenty of room for wording. The paper was “columned”, which means it has tiny grooved lines running up and down. We thought it was a bit distracting with the photo, but it was still a really nice invitation (we would probably chose “linen” instead)~
This invitation was one of our favorites. It was printed on “linen” paper (gorgeous), and we added an image to the back. Also, there is lots of space for wording. This invite will go well with many themes, and it comes in different colors~
Are there any drawbacks?
A couple of the invitations were a little more difficult to fit excessive information. The amount of words that you can fit (and have it still look really nice) depends on the design elements of the invitations, more than the size of the invitation. A lot of info fits on a 5.25″ by 5.25″ front and back invitation. The bottom line is, there are plenty of great options that will fit a ton of wording–without too much work!
A few recommendations/tips for ordering your quince invitations through Zazzle:
1. Upgrade your paper. Not because the basic paper is bad–because it isn’t. But the upgraded paper is really impressive, and it is the first part of your quinceanera your guests will encounter. Also, if you find a coupon code or sale, your discount can mean getting upgraded invites for practically the price of standard invites.
Some of the premium papers I sampled include: metallic, columned, delicate, ultra-thick premium white, recycled, linen and felt. They are all very different. The ultra-thick premium white, delicate and linen were my favorites out of the bunch.
2. Order a couple samples before placing your entire order. Unless you are in a massive time crunch, I always recommend to get a preview invitation before placing an entire order. You might be caught between a couple different styles–or maybe paper choices, or even font/color options. Seeing your invitation in person will help you make the perfect invitation to order for all your invites! Plus, if you have any errors in spelling or design, you will be able to correct this before placing an entire order of your very important invitations!
3. Get specific when searching through styles. The amount of quinceanera invitations is vast. If you have a theme or a color combination, search for exactly what you are looking for: “blue masquerade quinceanera” “beach quinceanera invitations”, etc. You can also sort by color and size.
Note: if your search turns up sweet 16 results too, don’t worry! That wording is completely customizable and can certainly be changed to “Quinceanera”.

As you can tell from this review, we really enjoyed experimenting with these Zazzle quinceanera invitations. We found them to be of nice quality, and actually rather fun to work with and customize. If you are looking for quince invites, we definitely recommend you visit their website and check out their designs~
My Perfect Quince
For more tips on preparing quinceanera invitations, check out my Quinceanera Invitations 101 post!
It is a little about myself: I live in columnspinfile-address_data.dat-1, my city of columnspinfile-address_data.dat-3.
hello !!! I am interested in quinceanera invutations ” columned”. My favorite colors are beige/gold.
How can I know prices or order?
Thanks in advance
Hi, I would start by ordering a couple samples. The “columned” is the kind of paper used. You may try emailing Zazzle to see if they can send you a sample or two to see which paperstock you like 🙂 Sarah
interested on the scalloped customized invitation with the heart bow on it
Hi, this affiliate link will get you directly to that gorgeous invitation: http://www.shareasale.com/r.cfm?u=817958&b=513864&m=49310&afftrack=&urllink=www%2Ezazzle%2Ecom%2Fpink%5Fsilver%5Fdamask%5Fquinceanera%5Fannouncements%2D161081718334500385 Sarah